Sunday, May 13, 2012

I am Loved

Today I have felt the love of my husband and our six children.  I thanked my husband for giving me the 7 greatest gifts, his love and our six children.  I don't need anything fancy on Mother's Day, silly gifts, simple gifts, gifts from the heart are the best gifts you could get.

Today has been a day of really feeling I was loved by those who matter most to me, my family.  Conversations with my kids, smiles, giggles, a picture sent from afar.  The only thing that could have made today better was to have Alexa and Eric here. 

You give birth to them, thinking they will stay small forever, but they grow, they move, they become adults that you are so proud to say "Hey, they are mine!"

I gave them life and they in turn give me life, the best gifts you can ever get from you children are:  Their smiles, their happiness and most of all their love. 

Alexa, Ian, Eric, Oliver, Isaac and Alanna, thank you for loving me.

Love you.

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