Here’s a review of what the investigators discovered:
- Children who had three or more infections (as reported by their parents) had a 50 percent increased risk of celiac disease. Infections could include common cold, urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, pneumonia, ear infections, and fever, among others.
- Children who experienced gastroenteritis had an 80 percent increased risk of developing celiac disease
- The greatest risk of celiac was seen in children who had experienced several infections before they were six months old and who also had consumed a greater amount of gluten. The impact was most evident in children who were no longer being breastfed before gluten was introduced to their diet
- Breastfeeding at the same time gluten was introduced to the diet was associated with a decreased risk of celiac disease
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Celiac Disease Linked to Infections, Breastfeeding
Celiac Disease Linked to Infections, Breastfeeding
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Friday, December 7, 2012
Plastics Chemical BPA Found in Fetal Livers
Please stay away from BPA's. Reduce exposure by using glass!
Please stay away from BPA's. Reduce exposure by using glass!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Soy and Seizures | Psychology Today
Soy and Seizures | Psychology Today
“There is a paucity of studies on the effects of phytoestrogens on fetal and early childhood development; yet, twenty-five percent of infant formulas are based on soy protein. Considering body weight, these infants are getting 6-11 times the dose of phytoestrogens necessary to exert hormone-like effects in adults. There are epigenetic changes associated with a soy-based diet in monkeys suggesting the potential to greatly alter gene expression. We have observed significantly elevated seizure rates in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease, Fragile X syndrome and Down syndrome when juvenile mice are fed a soy- based diet. Our data suggests that soy-based infant formulas may lower seizure threshold particularly in babies genetically predisposed to developmental disorders. Thus, understanding the negative effects of soy phytoestrogens and modulating intake during pregnancy and infancy could prevent neurological damage during critical periods of sensory development.”14
Study Links Food Allergies To Pesticides In Tap Water |
Study Links Food Allergies To Pesticides In Tap Water |
Over the past 20 years, the number of people allergic to milk, eggs, wheat nuts and shellfish has soared, jumping by 18% between 1997 and 2007, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But why?
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
A Story of Two Births // Still Birth Day
A Story of Two Births // Still Birth Day
Written by a friend of mine.
Written by a friend of mine.
I found out in March that I was expecting again, due December 2, 2012. This was my 6th pregnancy. My 5th pregnancy had been almost exactly one year before this, and had ended in my first miscarriage. It was very difficult. It had been a missed miscarriage diagnosed at 11 weeks, but occurring at 13.5 weeks. I chose to wait for things to occur naturally, and although I am glad that I did, it was the most difficult 2.5 weeks of my life!
Friday, November 30, 2012
Baby girl born on Bainbridge-Seattle ferry
Baby girl born on Bainbridge-Seattle ferry: News, weather, traffic, events and photos from the City Desk at The Seattle Times.
What a lucky woman to have supportive women on board the ferry!
What a lucky woman to have supportive women on board the ferry!
Baby’s Second Night
Baby’s Second Night
All of a sudden, your little one discovers that he’s no longer back in the warm and comfortable – albeit a bit crowded – womb where he has spent the last 8 ½ or 9 months – and it is SCARY out here! He isn’t hearing your familiar heartbeat, the swooshing of the placental arteries, the soothing sound of your lungs or the comforting gurgling of your intestines. Instead, he’s in a crib, swaddled in a diaper, a tee-shirt, a hat and a blanket. All sorts of people have been handling him, and he’s not yet become accustomed to the new noises, lights, sounds and smells. He has found one thing though, and that’s his voice….and you find that each time you take him off the breast where he comfortably drifted off to sleep, and put him in the bassinet – he protests, loudly!
Monday, November 19, 2012
How To Avoid A Cesarean Section (C/S) | Frisco Women's Health Blog
How To Avoid A Cesarean Section (C/S) | Frisco Women's Health Blog
As you can tell, I am a big fan of the vaginal delivery. I have seen what multiple cesarean sections can do to a women’s anatomy, it triples your blood loss compared to a vaginal delivery, results in emergency hysterectomies because the placenta of this pregnancy decided to grow over your last scar so it won’t detach, among countless other unpleasant things.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
I've started telling my daughters I'm beautiful | Offbeat Mama
I've started telling my daughters I'm beautiful | Offbeat Mama
I've started telling my girls that I think I'm beautiful. It's been so easy to tell them how beautiful THEY are, because it's obvious. They are the thing beauty is made of. They are the reason we started worshipping beauty. They sparkle and dance. When they're sleeping, they turn into soft cloud babies, little perfect tufts of white on the moonlight.Wish I had been strong enough to do this for my daughters and even my sons when they were young.
Top Ten Signs Your Doctor Is Planning To Perform An Unnecessary Cesarean Section On You | Frisco Women's Health Blog
Top Ten Signs Your Doctor Is Planning To Perform An Unnecessary Cesarean Section On You | Frisco Women's Health Blog
I have been a practicing OB/GYN for fourteen years. I live in Frisco, Texas, one of the fastest growing cities in the United States, and I truly enjoy living and working here. It is a great place for my family and, for the first time, my office is attached to the actual hospital I practice in. This is the third and final place I will practice medicine. I trained with some of the most respected academic OB/GYN’s in the country. These physicians have contributed to books on Obstetrics, created practice guidelines for the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), and taught me to practice medicine based on scientific evidence.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Science & Sensibility » Common Objections to Delayed Cord Clamping – What’s The Evidence Say?
Science & Sensibility » Common Objections to Delayed Cord Clamping – What’s The Evidence Say?
Many maternity care providers continue to clamp the umbilical cord immediately after an uncomplicated vaginal birth, even though the significant neonatal benefits of delayed cord clamping (usually defined as 2 to 3 minutes after birth) are now well known.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Top 5 Ways to Fight Cold and Flu with Coconut Oil | Coconut Oil Cooking
Top 5 Ways to Fight Cold and Flu with Coconut Oil | Coconut Oil Cooking
With cold and flu season being right around the corner, now is the best time to take precaution about germs and boosting your immunity! Coconut oil is good for strengthening the immune system since it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Here’s our top 5 ways to fight cold and flu with coconut oil:
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Ina May Gaskin's 'Birth Story': Why Every Pregnant Woman & OB/GYN Should See It (VIDEO) | The Stir
Ina May Gaskin's 'Birth Story': Why Every Pregnant Woman & OB/GYN Should See It (VIDEO) | The Stir
"Be nice," is what Ina May says. Being nice to a mom-to-be during labor can be just the thing to make her relax. There should be kindness. And, like Ina May quips in the film, anyone delivering a baby should tell the woman she has "the best vagina" they've ever seen. Laughter, calmness, happiness -- that is how a baby should be birthed.
Friday, November 9, 2012
The Dangers of Plastibell Circumcisions (Graphic) - The WHOLE Network: Accurate Circumcision & Foreskin Information
The Dangers of Plastibell Circumcisions (Graphic) - The WHOLE Network: Accurate Circumcision & Foreskin Information
***WARNING: this article contains very graphic material that is not intended to be viewed by children. Some adults may be offended by it, as well. Viewer discretion is advised.***
It is often said that a "Plastibell" circumcision is painless and doesn't involve any cutting or blood. Many people say that it is a more "gentle" circumcision without any risks. All of these statements are false. No circumcision is painless. The foreskin contains thousands of concentrated, specialized nerve endings. It is the most sensitive part of the penis. Any cutting on this part of the body is extremely painful, even with anesthetic (which will never provide 100% pain relief).
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Human milk contains PLURIPOTENT stem cells — Milk Research Community
Human milk contains PLURIPOTENT stem cells — Milk Research Community
The discovery of pluripotent stem cells in human milk is a game changer, whether your perspective is regenerative medicine or developmental biology. Research on pluripotent stem cells can now potentially rely on hBSC collected non-invasively, reducing reliance on human embryonic stem cell research. Within the neonate, these stem cells ingested via breast milk may contribute to developmental programming for health and metabolism later in life. We can further hypothesize that stem cells in breast milk may be critically important for tissue development and repair in pre-term and NICU infants. Although there are only a handful of studies on this topic, the implications of this discovery cannot be overstated. I know I am not alone among my colleagues in eagerly anticipating the next discoveries in human breast milk stem cells.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Strollers, Baby Carriers and Infant Stress
Strollers, Baby Carriers and Infant Stress
We weren’t born with these curves. Normal curves of the spine develop gradually as a means of adapting to gravity. At birth, babies are in a state of flexion, still curled up, with their spine in a natural long c-shaped (convex) curve. At first, a baby does not have the strength to hold his head up, nor the balancing curves in his spine to do so. But gradually as the muscles in his neck get stronger, he begins to lift his heavy head against gravity, and a curve starts to develop in his neck (the cervical curve) to help balance his head. When your baby starts to creep and crawl the lower back (lumbar curve) and the muscles that support it develop. Only by about the first year does your baby attain these curves in his spine (Leveau, 1877).
Thursday, October 25, 2012
The American Medical Association Will Soon Be Able To Force People To Enter Experimental Vaccine Trials |
The American Medical Association Will Soon Be Able To Force People To Enter Experimental Vaccine Trials |
The paper goes on to describe serious errors in the HPV vaccine Gardasil’s safety trials, which they say shows evidence of significant flaws in study design, data reporting and interpretation. They believe this has led to the death and injury of many young women.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Obstetric ultrasound for estimated fetal weight: is the information more harm than benefit?
Obstetric ultrasound for estimated fetal weight: is the information more harm than benefit?
Interestingly, there were fewer midwifery patients in the ultrasound group and having a midwifery provider was associated with a 50% reduction in the risk of cesarean. However, it does not appear that this factor accounted for the difference in the 2 groups as it was controlled for in the multivariable model. One interesting factor about the multivariable model was the lack of an association between induction of labor and cesarean. This has been reported recently by other authors, and it is intriguing given the national concern over induction and the purported risk of cesarean.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
A Letter to Future Me: Remember How Much You Loved Them | BlogHer
A Letter to Future Me: Remember How Much You Loved Them | BlogHer
Ah, cherish and enjoy, no matter their age.
I wonder if you've become one of those women who briefly lingers around, a safe distance behind, young moms carting their babies and toddlers through the grocery store with that far-off look in your eyes. If you gently smile at the mom when she looks up and catches your glance, obviously frazzled by how challenging taking 2 kids grocery shopping is, as if to tell her it's going to be okay. If you look at her and miss that time, want so badly to trade 5 minutes of the independence you have now that your kids are much older so that you can rest a toddler's head on your shoulder, or buckle a baby in their car seat, mindful not to pinch any belly chub in the harness.
Ah, cherish and enjoy, no matter their age.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Meningitis Outbreak: 91 Cases, Product Recall Expanded
Meningitis Outbreak: 91 Cases, Product Recall Expanded
In addition to the steroid, recalled products include acetaminophen suppositories, nipple ointments, morphine, vancomycin, and vitamin K.
International Babywearing Week Carrying on Traditions
International Babywearing Week Carrying on Traditions
Do/did you wear your baby? I know I wore all six of mine!
Do/did you wear your baby? I know I wore all six of mine!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
The Alpha Parent: So You’ve Given Up Breastfeeding...
The Alpha Parent: So You’ve Given Up Breastfeeding...: I often have to sit and listen to assorted tales of woe from women who gave up breastfeeding because they had mastitis, cracked nipples, a...
Study Confirms Anecdotal Link Between Flu Vax and Miscarriage
Study Confirms Anecdotal Link Between Flu Vax and Miscarriage
The study, published online September 27, 2012 by the Journal of Human and Experimental Toxicology, examined three flu seasons, starting in 2008/2009 to see if the addition of the Swine Flu vaccine in 2009/2010 did indeed cause an increase in fetal death.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
ACNM: Women don’t always receive prenatal advice
ACNM: Women don’t always receive prenatal advice
Of the women surveyed who have given birth or are pregnant, 62% said their care provider did not discuss how to stay healthy during their pregnancy, 80% said preparing for motherhood was never discussed and only about half said their provider spent a great deal of time with them throughout labor and birth.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Birth trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: 8 Tools to Help You
Birth trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: 8 Tools to Help You
During the birth of my first child, I spent two hours in the final pushing stage of labor. I was tended to by a midwife who despite my requests for a natural birth, was keen to “get the job done.” The fetal heart rate was fine but she attempted to prepare me for an episiotomy – I told her where to go. She complained about the time I was taking and the “mess” she had to clear up. Maybe the midwife was having a bad day; I doubt she should be a midwife at all.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Extended breast-feeding: What you need to know -
Extended breast-feeding: What you need to know -
Reduced risk of certain illnesses. Extended breast-feeding — as well as breast-feeding for 12 months or more cumulatively in life — has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.
Saving Our Sons: Intact or Circumcised: A Significant Difference in...
Saving Our Sons: Intact or Circumcised: A Significant Difference in...: By Danelle Frisbie © 2011 ~~~~ NOTICE: The images below are graphic in nature for the purpose of education. They may not be suitabl...
Monday, September 17, 2012
Full Belly Sisters: "Pump Up Your Milk" Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins...
Full Belly Sisters: "Pump Up Your Milk" Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins...: Mini muffins topped with a chocolate chip make an appealing snack for moms or for kids! I recently came across a can of organic pumpki...
Friday, September 14, 2012
InCultureParent | Breastfeeding in the Land of Genghis Khan
InCultureParent | Breastfeeding in the Land of Genghis Khan
Like many first-time mums, I hadn’t given much thought to breastfeeding before I had a child. But minutes after my son, Calum, popped out, he latched on, and for the next four years seemed pretty determined not to let go. I was lucky, for in many ways breastfeeding came easily—never a cracked nipple, rarely an engorged breast. Mentally, things were not quite as simple. As much as I loved my baby and cherished the bond that breastfeeding gave us, it was, at times, overwhelming. I was unprepared for the magnitude of my love for him, and for the intensity of his need for me and me only—for my milk. “Don’t let him turn you into a human pacifier,” a Canadian nurse had cautioned me just days after Calum’s birth, as he sucked for hour after hour. But I would run through all the possible reasons for his crying—gas? wet? understimulation? overstimulation?—and mostly I’d just end up feeding him again. I wondered if I was doing the right thing.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Aromatherapy Recipes for Pregnancy
Pregnancy and Labor Aromatherapy Recipes
.Essential oils are wonderful for pregnancy and labor use. You know that many ailments can be relieved by using the right oil, and a prenatal massage with some aromatherapy massage oils are wonderful treats.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
My Hand Grows
with Me, Holding who I Am
As a child my small hand can hold baseball, a football
Just the importance of the sport it’s self, learning the rules and techniques
Not knowing the importance or memories my small hand can only the sport
As a grow older, I become bigger, so does my hand
Now a freshman in high school my hand holds the sports and the importance
Knowing my friends are those with me every day
All the sweat blood and tears means something now
The football isn’t just a sport but makes me think of places
The weight room, field, and blacktop of PHS
The volleyball doesn’t just mean being on the court
It’s the emotional value I play with in the game
Knowing that these places will always mean something
A senior in high school
My hand now is the largest it ever has been
Holding not just the ball, or the importance, but the memories
I knew these sports would always mean something
Now I know every reason why
I will remember every game, every moment I pushed to be better
I now know that all the pushing of myself, the laughing, joking, fighting
Is why I have become the man I am today
My hand is big enough now I hold everything I know in it
And I’ll grasp it tight, and never let go.
As a child my small hand can hold baseball, a football
Just the importance of the sport it’s self, learning the rules and techniques
Not knowing the importance or memories my small hand can only the sport
As a grow older, I become bigger, so does my hand
Now a freshman in high school my hand holds the sports and the importance
Knowing my friends are those with me every day
All the sweat blood and tears means something now
The football isn’t just a sport but makes me think of places
The weight room, field, and blacktop of PHS
The volleyball doesn’t just mean being on the court
It’s the emotional value I play with in the game
Knowing that these places will always mean something
A senior in high school
My hand now is the largest it ever has been
Holding not just the ball, or the importance, but the memories
I knew these sports would always mean something
Now I know every reason why
I will remember every game, every moment I pushed to be better
I now know that all the pushing of myself, the laughing, joking, fighting
Is why I have become the man I am today
My hand is big enough now I hold everything I know in it
And I’ll grasp it tight, and never let go.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Monday, June 4, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
World War II veteran takes flight into the past on B-17 | Local News | The Seattle Times
I can brag right? I mean she is my daughter!
World War II veteran takes flight into the past on B-17 | Local News | The Seattle Times
World War II veteran takes flight into the past on B-17 | Local News | The Seattle Times
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
SQUAT Birth Journal: Chia Seeds in Pregnancy and Labor
SQUAT Birth Journal: Chia Seeds in Pregnancy and Labor: (From SQUAT: Here is a great article from the SQUAT archives--originally featured in the Fall 2010 Issue of SQUAT, available here . We'll ...
All Sunscreens | EWG's Skin Deep® | 2012 Sunscreen Report

Want to know how to choose the safest sunscreen?
All Sunscreens | EWG's Skin Deep® | 2012 Sunscreen Report
Sunday, May 13, 2012
I am Loved
Today I have felt the love of my husband and our six children. I thanked my husband for giving me the 7 greatest gifts, his love and our six children. I don't need anything fancy on Mother's Day, silly gifts, simple gifts, gifts from the heart are the best gifts you could get.
Today has been a day of really feeling I was loved by those who matter most to me, my family. Conversations with my kids, smiles, giggles, a picture sent from afar. The only thing that could have made today better was to have Alexa and Eric here.
You give birth to them, thinking they will stay small forever, but they grow, they move, they become adults that you are so proud to say "Hey, they are mine!"
I gave them life and they in turn give me life, the best gifts you can ever get from you children are: Their smiles, their happiness and most of all their love.
Alexa, Ian, Eric, Oliver, Isaac and Alanna, thank you for loving me.
Love you.
Today has been a day of really feeling I was loved by those who matter most to me, my family. Conversations with my kids, smiles, giggles, a picture sent from afar. The only thing that could have made today better was to have Alexa and Eric here.
You give birth to them, thinking they will stay small forever, but they grow, they move, they become adults that you are so proud to say "Hey, they are mine!"
I gave them life and they in turn give me life, the best gifts you can ever get from you children are: Their smiles, their happiness and most of all their love.
Alexa, Ian, Eric, Oliver, Isaac and Alanna, thank you for loving me.
Love you.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Breast-feeding a 3-year-old is normal, anthropologist says –
Breast-feeding a 3-year-old is normal, anthropologist says –
" Though some online are calling it "perverted" and "dangerous" to nurse a 3-year-old, "It's normal for our species. It's not perverted; it's not sex; it's not women doing it for some perverse need. It's normal like a nine-month pregnancy is normal," says Katherine Dettwyler, a professor of anthropology at the University of Delaware in Newark, Del."
" Though some online are calling it "perverted" and "dangerous" to nurse a 3-year-old, "It's normal for our species. It's not perverted; it's not sex; it's not women doing it for some perverse need. It's normal like a nine-month pregnancy is normal," says Katherine Dettwyler, a professor of anthropology at the University of Delaware in Newark, Del."
From Breasts to Boobs and Back Again
From Breasts to Boobs and Back Again
" I was breastfed as a baby. Honestly, I feel squirmy even typing “breast.” Twelve years after I stopped nursing, breasts became boobs, and then in high school they became tits (and a plethora of other names), and now, as a husband and father, they’re back to breasts. I’ve come full circle. I see them as a means of nourishing children, and as sexual objects. I’m not sure how I feel about that. The fact that I sexualize the one piece of female anatomy from which I once fed, makes me feel grotesquely simple. I think that feeling is at the heart of why people are uncomfortable with the recent image on the cover of Time Magazine."
" I was breastfed as a baby. Honestly, I feel squirmy even typing “breast.” Twelve years after I stopped nursing, breasts became boobs, and then in high school they became tits (and a plethora of other names), and now, as a husband and father, they’re back to breasts. I’ve come full circle. I see them as a means of nourishing children, and as sexual objects. I’m not sure how I feel about that. The fact that I sexualize the one piece of female anatomy from which I once fed, makes me feel grotesquely simple. I think that feeling is at the heart of why people are uncomfortable with the recent image on the cover of Time Magazine."
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Top 10 Pregnancy Procedures to Reject - Consumer Reports
Top 10 Pregnancy Procedures to Reject - Consumer Reports
Despite a health-care system that outspends those in the rest of the world, infants and mothers fare worse in the U.S. than in many other industrialized nations. The infant mortality rate in Canada is 25 percent lower than it is in the U.S.; the Japanese rate, more than 60 percent lower. According to the World Health Organization, America ranks behind 41 other countries in preventing mothers from dying during childbirth.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Baby of Mine
Life as a mom is always challenging and changing. Yesterday was our firstborn's 27th birthday, where does the time go? Weren't we just 15 and falling in love at PHS? Now our 4th will be graduating from PHS in a few weeks.
27 years ago today, we brought Alexa home from the hospital and today she left home again, but this time so far away. She is on her way to Seattle where she will be a reporter. We are proud of her and want her to do really well so she can get a job back in California! Can't believe we have TWO kids who live out of state.
You want to them to grow up and move out and do the things they should do, only it should be close to home!
Boy, my arms feel empty. . . but my heart is ever so full.
27 years ago today, we brought Alexa home from the hospital and today she left home again, but this time so far away. She is on her way to Seattle where she will be a reporter. We are proud of her and want her to do really well so she can get a job back in California! Can't believe we have TWO kids who live out of state.
You want to them to grow up and move out and do the things they should do, only it should be close to home!
Boy, my arms feel empty. . . but my heart is ever so full.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Informed Beginnings
I am so very happy to finally announce that the Informed Beginnings website is up and running. So very proud to be working with these women and men!
What is Informed Beginnings?

I am so very happy to finally announce that the Informed Beginnings website is up and running. So very proud to be working with these women and men!
What is Informed Beginnings?
Healthy Pregnancy
Safe and healthy birth begins with a healthy
pregnancy. Excellent nutrition, appropriate exercise, prenatal care and
education, and avoidance of harmful substances and situations put a
mother and baby in the best position to have a healthy labor and birth.
Informed Beginnings educators teach and promote a
healthy lifestyle during pregnancy as an integral part of preparation
for birth.
Healthy Childbirth
For most mothers and babies, natural childbirth —
unmedicated labor and birth with no unnecessary medical interventions —
is the safest, healthiest way to give birth. Informed Beginnings
encourages natural childbirth in a location of the mother’s choice,
while remaining sensitive to families whose needs and desires require
more technologically assisted births.
Informed Beginnings educators teach mothers and
supportive birth partners natural, effective techniques to avoid
unnecessary discomfort. The loving support of a birth partner does more
for a birthing mother than any amount of medication.
Healthy Feeding
Breastfeeding is the natural and normal mode of
feeding infants. Research affirms that artificial feeding is a choice
best reserved for situations of necessity. Most mothers and babies can
have a successful, healthy, and rewarding breastfeeding experience when
they have the proper education and support.
Informed Beginnings educators champion
breastfeeding for the health of babies and mothers by educating and
supporting families during pregnancy and postpartum.
Healthy Families
Informed Beginnings educators promote connected
families and responsive parenting. We emphasize the importance of an
active and loving support team in the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum
period. This leads to bonding at birth that affects a family’s
relationship for life.
Parental Responsibility
The health and welfare of a child are the
ultimate responsibility of his or her parents. Informed Beginnings
encourages parents to take responsibility and advocate for the health of
their child through education and informed decision making in all
aspects of their child’s care. Parents should be educated on their
options and take care in selecting their birth place and care provider.
Parents should also be prepared for unexpected situations such as
unplanned unattended childbirth, complications, and the need for medical
intervention including Cesarean section.
Consumerism and Informed Decision Making
Childbearing mothers are consumers of health
care services and they have a right to make the best choices for their
care based on complete and accurate evidence-based information.
Informed Beginnings educators promote clear and
respectful communication between mothers and birth partners; maternity
care providers; labor support; and educators. Mothers and partners are
taught to advocate for themselves and their babies in a manner that
asserts their choices and respects their birth team.
Building Community
Parents that have taken Informed Beginnings classes together have shared in an experience of learning, growing, and sharing that forms a unique bond between them. This builds local communities of supportive, like-minded families who are able to journey further together as their families grow. Informed Beginnings families are also part of a greater community, sharing resources and information in person and onlineTuesday, March 27, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Mercy Mom Delivers 13 Pound Baby, No Epidural
I personally love big babies. People always said "Glad it was you and not me."
DES MOINES, Iowa -- A woman gave birth to a 13 Lb, 12 oz. baby boy without medication at Mercy Medical Center on Thursday. Read more:
Monday, January 23, 2012
Ohana Wellness: Breastfeeding On Cue: Ask and ye shall receive
Ohana Wellness: Breastfeeding On Cue: Ask and ye shall receive: At your first pediatric appointment with your new baby you are always asked, “How often do you feed him?” This question may seem innocu...
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
#75-Oliver Vaughn-OL/DLPalmdale High School Football Highlights 2011
Highlights of Oliver's senior year!
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